
Financially self-sufficient state corporations that provide timely and quality goods and services to the public to catalyse national development.


To ensure state corporations’ optimal resource allocation, utilization and management in order to ensure efficient and effective delivery of services to the public and maximise complementary goods and services provision across the sector.

Strategic Objectives

  • To improve Corporate Governance of all Existing and New State Corporations
  • To enhance performance State Corporations To strengthen the Department’s Service delivery to its stakeholders
  • To reduce the negative impact of HIV and Aids in Department of Statutory Corporations
  • To Promote gender equity
  • To strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department

Core Values

Integrity: Corporate governance, administration and human resources management are among the core focus areas of the Department. Success in these areas depend on officers in the Department having high levels of integrity in order to set the right tone to the sector.

Professionalism: The Department shall remain professional and conduct itself as such.

Teamwork: The matters over which the Department presides are so cross-cutting that it is almost impossible to have one employee who has capabilities in all the areas. Therefore, the success of the Department shall depend on Teamwork to the same extent it shall depend on personal effort.

Corporate Service Charter Focused: The Department shall always provide its services in line with its Corporate Service Charter

Results-Oriented: The Department shall be focus on delivering self-evident results.

Responsiveness: Whilst remaining focused on the Charter, the Department shall be responsive on all issues within its jurisdiction, including emerging issues that may have not been envisaged when developing the Charter.

Transparency and Accountability: The department shall be open and sincere in all its dealings.


Contact us

The Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Office of the President and Cabinet, Capital Hill Circle, Private Bag 301, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

Tel: +2651789311 / +2651789 411


National Action Plan (NAP) for Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2023 - 2025